ENET.SYSOP: R48 (Польша) восстановлен в нодлисте
Vladimir Fyodorov написал(а) к All в Jul 17 08:34:14 по местному времени:
> Z2C сообщил в восстановлении в нодлисте Региона 48 (Польша). Региональным > координатором стал Lukasz Jachowicz. Старая нумерация сетей сохранена, > возвращающиеся сисопы смогут получить свой старый адрес, а новые попадут > в сеть 4800. ============================================================================= Area : ENET.SYSOP From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854.0 15 июл 2017 01:01 Subj : R48 Poland ============================================================================= Service announcement. A number of people have gathered and want to start-up R48 Poland again. We are finalising the tuning of their nodelist segment. As soon as that is ready it will be released into the full nodelist. RC will be Lukasz_Jachowicz. The old network structure will be retained so that returning sysops can request their old nodenumber. New sysops will land into net 4800. Please make certain to create the necessary routing statements. Take care, \%/@rd ============================================================================= --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 |