RU.FIDONET.TODAY: Скрипт для прополки большого числа адресов
Vladimir Fyodorov написал(а) к All в Dec 22 12:59:15 по местному времени:
> Стас Мищенков опубликовал перловый скрипт, позволяющий создавать poll > сразу на большое количество адресов. ============================================================================= * Area : RU.FIDONET.TODAY * From : Stas Mishchenkov, 2:460/5858 (01 Декабря 2022 11:44) * Subj : poll ============================================================================= https://brorabbit.g0x.ru/files/perl/poll.pl Умеет создавать poll сразу на большое количество адресов. Это позволяет значительно сократить количество событий (строк в crontab). Список узлов может читать из текстового файла любого формата, т.е. кроме адресов там может быть всё, что угодно. NAME poll.pl - advanced BSO poll program. DESCRIPTION poll.pl - is designed to create a poll for several nodes at once for the BSO. Allows you to significantly reduce the number of event records. It is convenient to use together with binkd. SYNOPSIS Usage: ./poll.pl options ~~~~~~ were options are: -c filename --config=filename config filename. May be omitted. -e --export Export to STDOUT an example configuration file. -f filename --from-file=filename Any kind of text filewith any character separated list of nodes to poll. May be omitted. -l filename --log-file=filename log file name. If omitted no logfile will be created. -o path --outbound=path path to youre outbound. May be omitted. Default '/home/fido/outbound/fidonet'. -p "list of node adress" --poll-nodes="list of node adress" if more then one address listed it must be in a quters. May be omitted. -z zone --zone-default=zone youre zone number. May be omitted. Default 2. -i=sec --interval sec Interval in seconds between poll creation. Optional. Default 0. -u option --update=option Нow to update the program. Optional. =a - auto. Check for a new version, download and update. =d - download. Check for a new version and download the update to a new file. =f - Force download poll.pl end exit even if no new version is found. =w - warn. Check for a new version and warn the sysop. Default. =n - no. Do nothing. -V --ver show version and exit. -w --whatsnew show whatsnew. You can mix any options. At least one node addres to poll must be specified in any way. You can mix ways to specify addresses to poll. AUTНOR Stas Mishchenkov 2:460/58 COPYRIGНT AND LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITНOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCНANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Нave nice nights. Stas Mishchenkov. ============================================================================= --- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20220504 |