СОБ.ИНФ.: The Major BBS project ищет разработчиков на C/C++
Vladimir Fyodorov написал(а) к All в Dec 21 14:46:16 по местному времени:
> Проект Major BBS ищет разработчиков на C/C++ для того чтобы вдохнуть в > MBBS новую жизнь. reddit.com : https://bityl.co/9xLL === Looking for C/C++ Developers - The Major BBS project BBS Software Нi All, The Major BBS project is looking for experienced C/C++ developers to help us on our journey to give MBBS a new lease on life. We are a small community that relies on generous people donating their time to help keep the project alive. If you are an experienced developer who likes to work for nothing other than appreciation then this is the job for you! ?? You can read about us at www.themajorbbs.com or visit our forums at www.themajorbbs.com/files If you would like to help, please DM me. Thanks! -- Duckula === --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 |