REGCON.EUR: ZONE1 и ZONE3 пропали из нодлиста
Vladimir Fyodorov написал(а) к All в Feb 16 09:18:52 по местному времени:
> Вард собрал кривой нодлист, в котором отсутствуют первая и третья зоны. ============================================================================= * Area : REGCON.EUR * From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (12 Февраля 2016 01:19) * Subj : ZONE1 ZONE3 missing from nodelist ============================================================================= All, As a result of a manipulation error on my part after Z1C and Z3C switched to raw ZONE-segments, the ZONE1 and ZONE3 segment did NOT make it in the nodelist. The error has been found and corrected. The DAILYLST which will be issued tomorrow Jan.13 will be OK again. Question, do I re-issue today's nodelist/nodediff to correct the discrepancy or is it deemed survivable until next week Friday. My problem is, next Friday I will not be around and it makes me a tad uncomfortable guessing it will work alright. Please advise on how to proceed. \%/@rd ============================================================================= -- Будьте осторожны! John Zaicev, 2:5080/244, кидает на деньги и не выполняет взятые на себя обязательства. ... Тятя, тятя, наши СЕТИ ... --- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20160201 |