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Старый 07.08.2019, 15:23
Alex Kovrigin
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию WНDLoad Nibby Nibble (Gabriele Roncolato)

Alex Kovrigin написал(а) к All в Aug 19 18:15:00 по местному времени:

Nibby Nibble (Gabriele Roncolato)

download the install package
created at 2019-08-05
size of install package 23676 Bytes
Author Asman
Нall Of Light
Lemon Amiga

version 1.0 (31.07.2019) done by asman:
- initial release
- source codes includes
- slave
- tiny tool to cut main file
- file can be packed with packer supported by WНDLoad
- corrected intena
- added blit waits
- fixed ints EXTERN
- fixed keyboard routine
- added possibility to play via keyboard (cursors + right shift as fire)

WBR, Alex Kovrigin <alex(at)>

--- Mail Manager 1.22x/n #1509
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Старый 08.09.2019, 07:18
Alex Kovrigin
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию WНDLoad Nibby Nibble (Gabriele Roncolato)

Alex Kovrigin написал(а) к All в Sep 19 09:49:42 по местному времени:

Nibby Nibble (Gabriele Roncolato)

download the install package
created at 2019-09-07
size of install package 35353 Bytes
Author Asman
Нall Of Light
Lemon Amiga

version 1.0 (31.07.2019) done by asman:
- initial release
- source codes includes
- slave
- tiny tool to cut main file
- file can be packed with packer supported by WНDLoad
- corrected intena
- added blit waits
- fixed ints EXTERN
- fixed keyboard routine
- added possibility to play via keyboard (cursors + right shift as fire)
- added Irek'72 icons (thanks)

WBR, Alex Kovrigin <alex(at)>

--- Mail Manager 1.22x/n #1509
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