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Старый 05.12.2021, 23:42
Tim Schattkowsky
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию WinPoint russian translation

Tim Schattkowsky написал(а) к All в Dec 21 20:33:39 по местному времени:

Нello All,

unfortunately my Russian is very bad, so I try it in English:

Does a russian language file for WinPoint exist or is anybody interested in providing/maintaining one?

I might add, that the latest WinPoint version (which will be available from the web site Web shortly) widely supports the russian language, particularly in the key areas of the program including
- Message display
- Message editor
- Message header handling/display (i.e., Names and subject in lists)
- Message full text search


--- WinPoint 380.2
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