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Старый 19.12.2020, 17:31
Sergey Chudaev
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Женщина умерла после непроверенной прививки Пфайзер

Sergey Chudaev написал(а) к All в Dec 20 16:49:46 по местному времени:

Привет, All!

сабж. В течении 10 минут откинулась. Жду извинений от мерзкого старикашки Унцля!

A health worker with zero records on allergies was put in ICU 10 minutes after using the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine that left her with severe reaction. The woman was injected with the drug before developing an anaphylactic reaction at a hospital in Juneau, Alaska.

According to reports, the woman had never been allergic to any vaccine. Unfortunately, she started to feel flush just 10 minutes after the injection, prompting her to be rushed for an emergency at Bartlett Regional Нospital. The emergency room director Dr Lindy Jones confirmed that she had red rash on her face and torso, experienced elevated heart rate and struggled to breathe.

The patient was treated with antihistamines, amongst them epinephrine, that she responded to. Нowever, her symptoms soon re-appeared, forcing the doctors to treat her with steroids.

On her side, Dr. Jones stated that the patient is now in a stable state, as reported by the Anchorage Daily News. She also revealed that the patient was glad for having taken the drug. ?She was still enthusiastic that she got the vaccine and the benefits that it would give her in the future.? Said Doctor Jones.

The woman?s case comes shortly after two more healthcare workers in the United Kingdom experienced allergies after receiving Pfizer injection although they have so far recovered.

As a result, health experts have warned those with severe allergic reactions to avoid the drugs. They further believe that the most serious side effects one can experience is fever and body aches.

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Sergey.

--- -Пиши, старик, пиши! Мы тебя не покинем.
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