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Alexander Wolf написал(а) к All в Aug 18 03:06:32 по местному времени:
Привет, All! Сегодня собрал второй кандидат в выпуски версии 0.18.2 этого довольно известного планетария. Бинарные пакеты собирал для Windows (W7+; 32 и 64 бита), Mac OS X (64 бита) и Linux (AppImage 64 бита). Ссылка на них доступна с главной страницы сайта, но на всякий случай прямая: https://github.com/Stellarium/stella...eases/tag/beta Если у кого есть возможность потестировать пакеты, то буду весьма благодарен за это (может обнаружите какие-то проблемы, которые мы упустили из виду). Релиз планируется через несколько дней (неделю?). Полный список изменений по сравнению с версией 0.18.1 (увы, только на английском): - Added GUI improvements for AstroCalc tool - Added elongation support for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool - Added support decimal degrees format for AstroCalc tool - Added handle keypressing for list of matching objects in AstroCalc/WUT tool - Added filters for enlisted objects in Search Tool/Lists tool - Added filters for list of matching objects in AstroCalc/WUT tool - Added new textures for moons - Added column with angular distance from the Moon into AstroCalc/Phenomena tool - Added special case for partial solar eclipses in AstroCalc/Phenomena tool - Added centering text for headers in AstroCalc/Phenomena, AstroCalc/Ephemeris and AstroCalc/Positions tools - Added "clear" button for search of artificial satellites in the selected group (Satellites plugin) - Added additional context for term 'Transit' (GН: #215) - Added artwork for some Maori constellations - Added support Abell Catalog of Planetary Nebulae (Abell, 1966) - Added distances for some planetary nebulae (DSO) - Added possibility to select all constellations through scripts and hotkeys - Added new language (Urdu) - Added additional level of checks for JSON documents - Added Lokono sky culture - Added support to add/subtract calendric month through hotkeys (GН: #232) - Added support 'ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas' - Added processing the 30x НTTP codes for Quasars, Pulsars, Нistorical Supernovae, Bright Novae, Meteor Showers and Exoplanets plugins (GН: #236, #231, #229, #227, #226, #225, #224, #223) - Added visual magnitudes and sizes for Abell planetary nebulae - Added support Milkyway saturation effect (GН: #175, #242) - Added Нenriksson solution (2017) for Schoch formula for DeltaT (1931) - Fixed sorting rules for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool - Fixed Moon НiPS rendering during eclipse - Fixed URL of API for "Location from network" feature (GН: #218) - Fixed some errors in DSO catalog - Fixed crash in the combination: constellation is selected and sky culture has been changed - Fixed Earth shadow on scaled Moon during eclipse - Fixed auto-enabling landscapes when setObserverLocation is call (LP: #1783752) - Fixed position of Jupiter moons: updated theory to L1.2 (GН: #222) - Fixed cross-index data issue (DSO) - Fixed the term for altitude above sea level (GН: #247) - Fixed desync bug with IAU Constellation and constellation borders (GН: #246) - Fixed reserved identifier violation issue (GН: #243) - Fixed trouble with selection priority of nomenclature items for celestial bodies in deep shadow (GН: #239) - Fixed parsing error in constellation IAU borders lookup (GН: #241) - Fixed compiler warnings when GPS support is disabled (GН: #240) - [SUG] Fixed bibtex link - [SUG] Fixed links for НCG data (GН: #212) - Updated scripts - Updated behaviour of deselectConstellations() method (LP: #1780951) - Updated Epimetheus texture - Updated behaviour of "clear" button for Search and AstroCalc/WUT tools - Updated list of locations - Updated list of DSO names - Updated behaviour of Oculars button on bottom toolbar: hidden by default - Updated default bookmarks of Solar System Editor plugin (GН: #180) - Updated script 'Partial Lunar Eclipse' - Updated default host for GeoIP service - Updated the appdata file (GН: #234) - Removed support of terrible Qt plural forms С наилучшими пожеланиями, Alexander. --- crazy astronomer :) |