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Старый 28.07.2017, 11:10
Vladimir Fyodorov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию REGCON.EUR: Z2C будет в отъезде с 16 по 29 августа

Vladimir Fyodorov написал(а) к All в Jul 17 09:46:00 по местному времени:

> Вард предупредил об отъезде в Северную Америку с 16 по 29 августа.

* From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (27 Июля 2017 21:54)
* Subj : Service announcement
Announcing I may be gone from this location approximately Aug.16th through Aug.29th.

I'm going to camp-out just outside the eastern entrance of Yellowstone Nat'l Park near Pahaska Tepee around August 21st to view the North American 2017 full solar eclipse. Then after that attend the wedding of a friend.

If my attention is required for something during that time span, pls let me know "now" as I will be away from this machine.

--- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20170303
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