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Старый 25.02.2019, 16:51
Alex Kovrigin
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию WНDLoad Battle Squadron (Innerprise)

Alex Kovrigin написал(а) к All в Feb 19 19:41:15 по местному времени:

Battle Squadron (Innerprise)

download the install package
created at 2019-02-24
size of install package 145114 Bytes
Author Dark Angel & Psygore
Нall Of Light
Lemon Amiga
download images for that install

V1.7 by Psygore (23.02.2019)
- Joystick 3rd button supported, it will pause the game
- Set CUSTOM2 = 1 for doing the nova missile only with the 2nd button
(the 2nd button must be pressed first before)
- Set CUSTOM3=1 to detect automatically if a joystick/pad or mouse is
connected on port 0 or 1 (no need to set your control type in menu)
- Set CUSTOM4 = 1 to skip the blitter wait patch
- Install script updated

WBR, Alex Kovrigin <alex(at)>

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