FTSC_PUBLIC: FTSC Administrator - missing vote
Alexander Kruglikov написал(а) к All в Dec 18 16:58:54 по местному времени:
Привет, All! > В свою очередь Алексей Виссарионов считает, что конфиденциальность > голосования была скомпроментирована и необходимо его повторить ============================================================================= * Обл. : FTSC_PUBLIC (Interaction between the FTSC and the Fidonet community) * От : Alexey Vissarionov, 2:5020/545 (10 дек 18 13:16) * Кому : Fred Riccio * Тема : FTSC Administrator - missing vote ============================================================================= Good ${greeting_time}, Fred! 09 Dec 2018 11:28:40, you wrote to me: AV>> I don't see my vote cast on 2018-12-07 00:11:30 UTC: AV>> 7 03:15:01 Msg from 2:5020/545 to 1:132/174 packed via 1:132/174 AV>> (the time is MSK == UTC+3). AV>> Possibly, there's some issue with our direct link... FR> My logs show a handful of connects in July, then the one today. FR> Nothing for December 7. Your resend came through loud and clear, FR> your password will be included in my next summary. What prevented you from answering in netmail? Now everyone knows that long 256-bit hash was used by me, so the confidentiality of the voting has to be considered as compromised. If that were a single vote for me (as it was for Carol), I wouldn't give a single fuck. Нowever, there are other people supporting me as a candidate, and the difference between me and Andrew is just one vote, so I think we have to repeat with another enumerator. -- Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin ============================================================================= С наилучшими пожеланиями, Alexander. --- "GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707" --- |